Michael Schulte – You Let Me Walk Alone

„You Let Me Walk Alone“ ist der neue Song von Michael Schulte und eine Hommage an seinen verstorbenen Vater.

I’m a dreamer, a make believer
I was told that you were too
I love the silence and the clear horizon
And I got that all from you

Every now and then I’m drawn to places
Where I hear your voice or see your face and
Every little thought will lead me right back to you

I was born from one love of two hearts
We were three kids and a loving mom
You made this place a home
A shelter from the storm
You said I had one life and a true heart
I tried my best and I came so far
But you will never know
Cause you let me walk this road alone

My childhood hero will always be you
And no one else comes close
I thought you’d lead me when life’s misleading
That’s when I miss you most

Every now and then I’m drawn to places
Where I hear your voice or see your face and
Every little thought will lead me right back to you

I was born from one love of two hearts
We were three kids and a loving mom
You made this place a home
A shelter from the storm
You said I had one life and a true heart
I tried my best and I came so far
But you will never know
Cause you let me walk this road alone

I was born from one love of two hearts
We were three kids and a loving mom
You made this place a home
A shelter from the storm
You said I had one life and a true heart
I tried my best and I came so far
But you will never know
Cause you let me walk this road alone

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