Boney M. – When A Child Is Born

Songtext von dem Lied When A Child Is Born von Boney M

A ray of hope flickers in the sky A tiny star lights up way up high
All across the land dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born

A silent wish sails the seven seas The winds have changed whisper in the trees
And the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn This comes to pass when a child is born

A rosy hum settles all around You’ve got the feel you’re on solid ground
For a spell or two no one seems forlorn This comes to pass when a child is born

And all of this happens Because whe world is waiting Waiting for one child
Black, white, yellow, no one knows But a child that would grow up and turn tears to laughter Hate to love, war to peace
And everyone to everyone’s neighbour Misery and suffering would be forgotten forever

It’s all a dream and illusion now It must come true, sometimes soon somehow
All across the land dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born

All across the land dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born

When a child is born

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